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Onward sailed
[[preprinted]] THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1866 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Send Caldwell down town with telegram. Down town early. See Anasof, and set time for meeting. Down to office, in Harbors Commissioners office, take down notifications and copy. Into Keiths, down to Survey Rooms. Write to Prof. Whitney. Copy for Mining Press and take it to their office. Down to North Point and go aboard the Shubrick. Stay all the afternoon and to dinner. Ashore with Davison, look up sword and meet Anasof. Stop till eight at Mrs. de Ros go to concert which is a bilk, go back and pass the even'g.
[[preprinted]] FRIDAY 22 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Down town on a butchers cart with Caldwell. Go to office for a minute, up into Harbor Com's rooms read paper and down to Survey Rooms. Work over Coopers list set. Caldwell copying and write orders for Elliott. Up to see the Colonel get orders signed and back to Survey Rooms. Work till proof comes in from Press office, correct it and then down to ship. Mr. Walker discharged. He has not found it healthy, bucking against the Sci. Corps. Ev. down town with the Captain, call on the Raymonds. 

[[preprinted]] SATURDAY 23 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Down town. Every body at the office very busy fitting out the Wright for her departure Down to Survey Rooms write to Miss Merriam. At Noon over to oakland and call on Dr. Newcomb Pass the afternoon there and take dinner there Over to town and down to the wharf just in time to see the Wright off for Petropavlovak. Up to Mrs. Lows and spend the night there. Don't see Miss King.

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[[preprinted]] SUNDAY, JUNE 24, 1866. [[/preprinted]]
After a sound nights sleep come down to breakfast in the morning. Over to Alameda by the eleven oclock boat. See Olga & Jennie taking over letters from Lottie. Find Sumner Bugbee there. Dine and pass the afternoon and back at five. Leave letter and grass at Miss Ritchies and letter with Jessie. Meet Major Williamson and General Simpson at Mrs Ritches. Ink on side o'rat up to Mrs Lows and spend the evening & night

[[preprinted]] MONDAY 25 [[/preprinted]]
Morning down to the wharf after breakfast. Things as usual. Up town into office see Scott into see Stearns down to lunch with him. Up to Survey Rooms which are closed. Round town looking for a swordbelt Up to see Scott and finally (buy a belt for 2.50) get some money. Down to ship after dinner call on the Captain. Walk up town with him and Glover & Norton. Call at Norcrosses' look at sword, then on Miss Lewis, meet Chappel & go to Judge Thompson with the girls and back again. 

[[preprinted]] TUESDAY 26 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. See Capt. Scammon about medecines. Dress my feet and hobble up town call at office. See Stearns. Go about town in search of gloves and drawers which last. cost me 5.50 a pair. Out to Captain Haybo in the Mission. Copy Croquet dimensions and stay to dinner. Bid them goodbye and call on Edith King at Mrs Norris' on my way down to the ship.

Transcription Notes:
Ambrosia: reviewed and minor edits