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[[preprinted]] TUESDAY, JULY 3, 1866. [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Watch the transportation of the little Steamer Wilder on deck of the Nightingale. Down town with Caldwell. Stop at the Occidental, no telegram from Baird yet about fire. Send Caldwell to see about skates and foils. See Price about skates. Into office, letter from Elliot See Stearns, down to Survey Rooms. See Col. Jewett and Dr. Newcomb. Lunch with them & Stearns. Up to Acad. Rooms. Write all the P.M. See Stearns and write notes to S.I. &c. Down to ship and in evening call on the Plummers. See Marston.

[[preprinted]] WEDNESDAY 4 [[/preprinted]]
Up town with the Captain at 8. A.M. No one at the office. Wait till half past nine and go round to the Occidental, where all the U.S. Army, Navy and Revenue Officers were congregated. Finally, take a carriage and ride in the procession from Filbert to fifth on Howard and up to Metropolitan Theatre where we have an eloquent oration from Dr. A.L. Stone. then up to Mr. Lows to dinner, and afterwards down to Mrs de Ro's. Walk with Charles, Olga, Sather & Lottie, to 7th st. Call on Miss King, and on Mr. Taylor on way back

[[preprinted]] THURSDAY 5 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Set Caldwell at work indexing the Mazatlan Shells. Down town. Into office see Chappell and Wright. Into Stearns office and down to lunch with him and Tommy Newcomb. Round to see Hubbard and arrange about letters. Down to Survey Rooms See Dr Hillebrand and up to Academy Rooms. Write abstract for Mining Press. up to Stearns office. Down to ship stopping for books at Dr. Ayres' by the way. Evening down town and get Bulkleys money order after much search

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[[preprinted]] FRIDAY, JULY 6, 1866. [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Move shelf in my room and put up books &c. Down town. Into see Chappell and present order which brings him round. Into Stearns and down to Hubbards where I find letters from home & Baird. Down to Survey Rooms and read them. Write home in answer to mothers grumblings. Down to Liddles & get foils for Coale in Petropavlovsk.  Up to Chappell who puts me off till tomorrow. Down to dinner at Mr. Lows and meet Mrs Thornburgh and Minnie. Evening. Call on Stebbins & see Pierce

[[preprinted]] SATURDAY 7 [[/preprinted]]
Down to office early. Get $189.00 advance from Chappell. Pay Stearns on a/c 1000 Pay Capt Scammon &c. Go round making purchases. See Prof. Whitney. Lunch with Jewett and Stearns. Down aboard. Caldwell detached through Fishers machinations. 

Order him to report. Dine aboard. Evening make purchases. Call at Mrs Lewises and on Mrs Low where I take a bath and spend the night

[[preprinted]] SUNDAY 8 [[/preprinted]]
After breakfast write. To church with Mr. and Mrs. Low. Send a protest to Col. Wicker. Lunch at Mrs Lows. Afternoon. Down to ship with Mr Low. Libbey is to be my room mate. After fixing up my rooms for a new inmate, go up town. Call on Crates and Denison, bid Van Tassel goodbye. Call on Capt. Noyes', bid all goodbye. Dine at Mr. Lows. Evening Call on de Ros. Norris' Masten's, Stearns, and back to bed at Mrs Lows.