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[[preprinted]] FRIDAY, JULY 27, 1866. [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Wind and weather somewhat moderated. Spend the greater part of the day in looking over trunk, draws, and bunk, sorting and arranging letters, Schuyler writing fill up letter book and so forth. Wind changes for the better a little.
Wright is meditating mischief, I think as he has not been unusually friendly. I hope he may not be able to interfere with my plans for the winter. It is watch and prey, on board this craft, all the time.

[[preprinted]] SATURDAY 28 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Wind a little better and our course is nearly due west. Still too rough to do any trawling. In Morning write up and finish index to book of Pamphlets. Schyler writing on index. P.M. Put soldering irons in order for use. Look over boxes fore and aft and finally find straps for Ryder. Catalogue label and pack collections made up to this time except the large salpae. Call on Captain Scammon in the P.M. 750 miles from Ounimak

[[preprinted]] SUNDAY 29 [[/preprinted]] 
Morning. Nearly on our course. Morning muster as usual, wind raw and disagreeable Spend nearly all day in writing Report for Kennicott of 16 pages, copy it and after dinner go on deck and throw over the net and catch a lot of soft Salpae and one large Jelly Fish. See a number of the latter which are surrounded by a grey fringe, like Zygodactyla Agassiz. Does the old doctor desire to remain at Petropaulski and therefore object to my being there? Is this whats in the wind
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[[preprinted]] MONDAY, JULY 30, 1866. [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Wind better fair but not much of it. Go on our course with studding sails set Get Nothing in the net. Spend most of the day arranging and copying letters papers &c for Report to Kennicott. get nearly through After dinner have two quadrilles, a Virginia reel, and a polka; to Klinefelters violin, Ryder guitar, Engineers banjo and accordeon and Schuylers castanets. Have some very good exercise and fun. Evening, have a long confab with the Captain on general topics

[[preprinted]] TUESDAY 31 [[/preprinted]]
On our course as yesterday in dampness and quiet. Vessel rolling rapidly. Write to Ellen Wilde and father, do up Kennicotts papers, Commence reading Tom Burke of "Ours". Dine by invitation of Wright in the cabin with Capt. Scammon wife, child, Chappel and Wright.

[[preprinted]] WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Write letter to Miss Merriam. Turn in and read. Day disagreeable, calm rolling rainy. foggy.

Transcription Notes:
Ambrosia: Reviewed with minor edits Ounimak = Confab = an informal private conversation or discussion.