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[[preprinted]] TUESDAY, AUGUST 14, 1866. [[/preprinted]]

Morning, a moderate breeze takes us slowly but surely toward our destined port. About one o'clock the huts at the outlet of Lake Moore are visible at twenty minutes of four we are within the heads of Plover Bay. A vessel within, is almost unanimously decided to be the Golden Gate, but my decision made from the looks alone, of her masts, as far as I could see her, that it was not; proves upon our anchoring at 14 minutes of six, to be correct. It is the Rutgers, one day in, Puget Sound July, 8th. The [[steam?]] has not been here. Come out of bets 50 ยข ahead.

[[preprinted]] WEDNESDAY 15 [[/preprinted]]
Rainy and foggy in the extreme. At work all day in getting the Wade overboard which is done at 4.30 P.M. Nocum comes aboard. Smith brings me a skull and other valuable collections from Puget Sound. Spend most of the day arranging them & packing & cataloguing them. Put a lot of flowers in press. Capt. Scammon and Major Wright take the barge up to Emma Harbor and over to the spit on an exploring party. Eskimo aboard nearly all day. Get the brush from, and furnish arsenic to, the Doctor. Get powder and flask from the gunner.

[[preprinted]] THURSDAY 16 [[/preprinted]]
Foggy and rainy in the morning. All hands posting ashore, however, am notified early, by the Captain, that I must be ready to go with him on an expedition in the barge. Get ready and although it rains, make soundings along the line of the spit and go up to Emma Harbor where we dine, (and blow up a can of meat) meet Kelsey & Charley, & take them back in a tremendous rain seven miles, without any kind of shelter. Evening press flowers & grasses collected during the day

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[[preprinted]] FRIDAY, AUGUST 17, 1866 [[/preprinted]]

Morning. Major Wright, Libby, Lemon, Jared Norton, Noekum and the Captain, start off to the head of the Bay to make explorations toward Penkegu Gulf. I choose to remain behind, because I do not wish it to be thought that I regard my own pleasure more than the work of collecting. Get the skiff and go ashore with Ashcom and Schuyler over the hill through the ravine round the lake and halfway over Bald Head and back reaching the ship about five, well tired out, but with a good many things worth having beside the tramp.

[[preprinted]] SATURDAY 18 [[/preprinted]]

Morning. Go ashore with Kelsey and Charley Scammon after snipe on the spit. Get one hundred and eleven, beside a good many specimens of flowers & bones. Black & Bowne get back from spending the night in an Indian hut with nothing to eat. The Wright arrives about 6 P.M. the Colonel on board. Work stopped on the steamers Feel blue all day. Bowne insolent, Charley S. shirks work after volunteering, spill arsenic & cut my self, boys steal the little brandy I have left after giving them each a drink, & leave me to clean gun after shooting with my gun shot &c all day.

[[preprinted]] SUNDAY 19 [[/preprinted]]

Morning, dull and drizzly. Capt. Scammon gets back about 4 P.M. bringing me a large number of specimens including two small seals. Muster at eleven in the pouring rain P.M. after working over Collections all day go over to Str Wright and dine with Whymper Col. says in substance. You and W. may stay up all winter, if you like, you had better go over to St. Michaels and see Kennicott before deciding on the side you will remain on.

Transcription Notes:
Str is short for steamer Ambrosia: reviewed with minor edits