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[[preprinted]] WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1866. [[/preprinted]]
Day disagreeable, cold, raw and wet. Everybody has a bad cold. In the morning; Pack up and away specimens of various kinds put a good many things to rights for sea: Redfield trying out. Bark Evelyn Wood arrives in the afternoon from Victoria with material and letters. Get one from Aunt Sarah. News that the Atlantic cable has been working well a month and of peace in Europe. Stand out across the Bay, wear round and drop back again for want of wind & down mudhooks.

[[preprinted]] THURSDAY 20 [[/preprinted]]
Weather wet and disagreeable. Soon after breakfast weigh anchor and stand across the Bay. About half past nine A.M. stand out to sea, weather foggy; en route for St. Michaels. After getting out blows hard with a headbeat sea, which makes almost every body, myself included feel a little qualmish, and one or two are right sick. Finish drawing of barnacles, go aft and read papers which came by the Evelyn Wood which waits for the Wright at Plover Bay. Read Reveries of a Bachelor and lay low, all the afternoon and evening. Night stormy

[[preprinted]] FRIDAY 21 [[/preprinted]]
Morning little winds. Foggy and wet off St. Lawrence Id bearing N.E. twenty miles. Pace the deck for exercise and air, study a little Greek Copy some verses. Read some more papers. Get a picture from Whymper of Mt. Kennicott. Dress Blacks shoulder, take time for Mr. Norton. Weather much calmer but winds light and baffling. Get the cabinsteward to cut my hair and feel much more comfortable after the operation. Capt Scammon unwell. Called down to see him in evening
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[[preprinted]] SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1866. [[/preprinted]]
Day disagreeable rainy and snowing. Wind fair and fresh. Vessel pitching about a good deal. Spend most of the day over Index to Mazatlan shells. Evening clears up, wind freshens and take in sail.

[[preprinted]] SUNDAY 23 [[/preprinted]]
Hard snow and hail storm at intervals during the day. Write on Index to Mazatlan Shells. Capt. Scammon unwell again; remain some little time with him and take lunch in the cabin. Afternoon write, and read the "Initials" which describes the queerest young lady, and the most remarkable young man that I ever read of. We are drawing near St. Michaels, I hope to find all is well. Much depends on the events of the next few days both as regards myself and Kennicott and the Expedition. Land seen at 11 P.M.

[[preprinted]] MONDAY 24 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Land on all sides in sight. Capes Darby and Denbigh, Egg Island, Stuart Island, Island of St Michaels and the mainland and ranges of volcanic hills in the distance. Towards noon make out the fort and the Steamer, and send off a boat to make soundings SE of Egg Island which returns with 6 fathoms. Send a boat with Chappel, & Ritchie in it ashore. Come to and anchor in a driving show storm SE of Paichnoi Id. Evening Capt Scammon quite unwell, sit with him, and write on Index.