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[[pencil note added at top of page]] NB Fisher steals Geo Adams norka parkie that morning [[/pencil note]]
[[preprinted]] MONDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1866. [[/preprinted]]
Morning wake up with a bad cold. Fly round all day and get out equipment, to go on the steamer to Unalakleek. Spend the day in making a careful selection as this will probably be the only chance to get things up. The Russian Barkis is leaky and they load down the steamer and all the small boats and try to get ready to sail tonight. Nightingale sails for Plover Bay about noon. Find that they can't get away tonight. Evening go into Ennis' & Bean's Room, and turn in early. Dyer, Lebarge, Ennis, Whymper, & others will go up tomorrow.

[[preprinted]] TUESDAY 2 [[/preprinted]]
All hands busy in the morning getting things into the Wilder. Pay Chappel in the launch, gets off first. Then Adams with the bidarrĂ¡, loaded with flour. The Steamer starts towing a small boat but strikes a rock in the middle of the harbor. Great excitement for a short time but finally get her off and she is soon out of sight . Get medicines out of Stepanoffs chest. Get the goods out of the cookhouse with the help of two Indians, up to Bannisters room. Evening talk over explorations of Youkon mouth with Bean & turn in

[[preprinted]] WEDNESDAY [[/preprinted]]
Morning clear and cold. Ketchum and I in Ennis' room which we moved into as soon as he got away. spend the greater part of the day packing up things for journey to Unalakleek. Leaky barkis was got ashore last night, and was calked & pitched today and in the evening put afloat. Get things packed and in evening write up memoranda &c.
[[end page]]

[[start page]]

[[preprinted]] THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1866. [[/preprinted]]
Morning get up late. Get Parkie which has been sewed up and pay a piece of soap for it. Write orders & letters to Caldwell at Grantley Harbor. Expect steamer which doesn't come and we think that they have probably concluded to beache her for the winter. Weather cloudy and cold. Get a pair of winter boots about 15 inches long. Make up a cap, out of an old visor, my Glengarry, and a company button. Grub consists of bacon hams, beans, Russian bread, and tea, particularly tea. Every body has a bad cold. Life dull but comfortable. 

[[preprinted]] FRIDAY 5 [[/preprinted]]
Cold with a north wind and no chance of getting off a boat to Unalakleet. Lay abed in morning for want of something else to do. The bed consists of a wild reindeer hide with the hair on and with one end sewn into a kind of bag to put the feet in. On top of that my blankets and over all Bannister's shawl so that I am fixed off very gay. Ketchum occupies the opp. corner, at one side of the room is the stove and the other K's desk. Walls dark red with a gray line near the ceiling. Got boxes up from cookhouse.
[[image - pen sketch of layout of room with beds, desk and stove]]

[[preprinted]] SATURDAY 6 [[/preprinted]]
Russian Sunday everybody drunk. Morning gray, with a little snow. The stove that warms the room is of a peculiar construction. A frame of beams is first laid and filled with volcanic gravel then lava blocks with one layer of brick above. A sort of oven is then built with brick & lava and an arrangement in the chimney by which all draft up can be instantly checked, a fire is made and the bricks heated the fire is put out the draft stopped and the stove will heat the room all day.
[[image - pen sketch of profile view of stove showing layout and construction as described above]]
[[image labelled with name for stove:]] Peechka 

Transcription Notes:
Dall calls it Unalakleek several times on page, though correct name is Unalakleet bidarra/bidarrĂ¡ is a type of skin boat Bean is the man's name