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[[preprinted]] THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1866. [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Pack box for transportation. Ther. 5.°+ Get medical stores ready for transportation. Appoint Fred. M. Smith Acting Asst. Surg. during my absence and order Caldwell to send him such stores as he may require. Take Breakfast and dinner in our new house or turret which is lined with atené skins and very comfortable though rather small. Denison, Dyer, W.W. & E.E. Smith in one, and Chappel, F.M. Smith, G. Adams, and Westdahl in the other with Macintyre the cook. Evening write.

[[preprinted]] FRIDAY 26 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Capt. Ketchum concludes to start up the river to New or First Ulukook although it is to be feared that the river is not fully frozen over. Hakerrin, one of the Russians, makes a row because Francis and his wife are to occupy a bunk in the casine, but Andrea pitches into him and licks him and is going to send him down to the redoubt tomorrow. Go and take a bath and pass an hour or two packing up and in the turret with Dyer, W.W. Smith and Denison. Sleep with Whymper in the Casine.

[[preprinted]] SATURDAY 27 [[/preprinted]]
Morning rush about and get everything ready for a start. Get four sleds and load them. Cant get enough dogs and go down into the Indian village and seize all we can lay our hands on. One old woman howls dismally and afterwards cuts her dog loose but we get him again and start about 11, with a cheer and one gun from the fort. Break our sled runner and stop for tea & mend it. Go on but are stopped by darkness and open water, and camp on the high bank with a good fire and take chi.
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[[preprinted]] SUNDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1866. [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Up early, have a grateful meal of tea, bacon and biscuit. Thermometer -6˚. Four of the dogs have gnawed their harness and decamped. We have no dog feed so they feel pretty ravenous. Have a hard mornings work only 3 dogs and over five hundred pounds on the sled, so that I have to push the sled pretty much all the way. Arrive at New Ulukook about noon. Unload the sled into a vacant house and go across the river to [[Amilcars?]] house where we get dinner, tea, bacon and biscuit and spread our blankets, smoke, write, and turn in.

[[preprinted]] MONDAY 29 [[/preprinted]]
After a long nights rest, wake a good deal refreshed though rather stiff. Get chi, boiled ham and biscuit for breakfast and feel bully. Take a walk up the river about four miles with Francis to a place where the Indians catch fish in summer. Find many open places in the ice and return. Mike and Pickett leave about 8 AM with dogs & sleds for Unalakleet. Will return immediately with another load. Get a beginning of a vocabulary of Ingaleet words. Make a few sketches of the house and Indians. [[Chiyalook?]] brings in some partridges. Have a telegraph stew of alené and other sundries for dinner which is superfine.

[[preprinted]] TUESDAY 30 [[/preprinted]]
Sleep well. After breakfast go over to summer house and repack some boxes for shipment to Nulato. Walk down the river a mile or two with Francis, and look into some old deserted Indian huts which are lined with the most beautiful lichens and mosses. There is quite a growth of spruce, alder and birch over the country here. Back in the house and take chi. About four PM. Mike and Pickett, Foss, and Chase with five sleds come up from Unalakleet with loads containing everything of ours remaining at that place, of ours. Have a tiptop supper and all sleep at [[Amilcars?]]