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[[preprinted]] TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1866 [[/preprinted]]
Morning, Have some salmon trout that Capt. K. sent down for breakfast.  Get traps together to leave with Ingechook  some to come down tomorrow.  Go over and look into the store house and find that most of the bacon, flour, tea, and dried apples are still there.  Start down about eleven with Francis for Unalakleet and arrive there about five p.m.  The ice being very smooth and glairy made the travelling very hard and we were only too glad to get into the fort.  Chi with Andrea, cards in the evening and turn in early  Fred Smiths woman (11 years old) sleeps with him in our quar's.

[[preprinted]] WEDNESDAY 7 [[/preprinted]]
Morning up early having slept little, but feeling a little stiff from the effects of my tramp.  Adams and the  bidarra are not returned.  It is very doubtful if he will be able to get back before the ice forms.  Weather still warm.  Therm. 18 & 20.  Ingechook does not make his appearance with the things from Ulukook.  Read & lie round all day.  Magoffin troubled with orchitis.  At a recent dance in the Mahlemut casine the evil spirit was driven away by eight or nine men with contangs of food with they raised in the air to every point of the compass uttering at the time a hissing noise.

[[preprinted]] THURSDAY 8 [[/preprinted]]
Morning, clear and fine. Therm. 18, and barometer rising.  Nothing from Ingechook, or Adams.  The days are very short now, and growing shorter.  Light at nine o'clock and dark at half past four.  At a dance in honor of a dead man the other day the relatives executed a dance and gave away presents.  They were dressed in buckskin drawers, boots, and gut shirts.  The women with their hair braided and with feathers in it the men with fillets & feathers, the women holding long feathers tipped with bunches of alêné hair.
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[[preprinted]] FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1866. [[/preprinted]]
This dance consisted much of the usual motions of the dance, but one of the old men went through the motions of picking berries, hunting the reindeer, going in a bidarrá after seal, spearing the walrus, &c &c, or rather was supposed to go through them for I could see very little in his movements except the usual gesticulations. Afternoon. Bath as usual. Ingechook, Matfay Amilcar two sled dogs & Francis & my own Inds come down from Ulukuk today. Ketchum should be at Hontog on the Kwithpak today. Even. Play seven up with Andrea. Read Lionhearted a sickly novel by Mrs Gray. Nakuluk Peechuk & the infant charivarid. 

[[preprinted]] SATURDAY 10 [[/preprinted]]
Russian Sunday. Morning Clear and fine Therm. 10. Dyer proposes to leave for the Ulukuk to push over the goods to Old Ulukook, day after tomorrow. Pay Dyer on a/c 50 [[%?]] for Matfay, who has sold his bidarrá to Ketchum. Constructors getting up a theatrical performance, with local hits. They had one when I was away and I came in as usual for my share of the jokes. Write a song on our astronomer for the performance. Our quarters in the boofkas are getting to resemble the Roman "Fornices". It is too bad, but cannot last long. Even'g. Cards with Andrea &c.  

[[preprinted]] SATURDAY 11 [[/preprinted]]
Morning, Wind blowing hard. Ther. 18. Morning write smoke and read the "fourth of Shakespeare" a very poor attempt at a novel. Get the Russian chart of Zagoskin from Westdahl and go to work making a hurried tracing of it. Get ready to start for Ulukuk tomorrow. Afternoon, work on map. Evening. Have a theatrical entertainment got up by the boys in the casan, Nigger minstrels, local hits, songs. Rhoderik Dhu by C.C. Smith and Foss; Schuyler, Haining, Clark, Denison, and Geo Dow appeared. Afterwards, finish maps, chi & turn in.

Transcription Notes:
"contangs" may be kantags? Zagoskin: