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[[preprinted]] CASH ACCOUNT. DECEMBER. [[/preprinted]]
[[Four columns with later two columns split in two indicted below by decimal point]] 
[[preprinted]] Date.                           Received.  Paid. 
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[strikethrough preprinted]] Bills Payable [[/strikethrough preprinted]] Letters written in [[preprinted]] January [[/preprinted]]
[[Four columns]]
[[preprinted]] Date.         Name.           Dolls.   Cts.  [[/preprinted]]
Jan 4   And. Garrett of. Baird. Torrey. Mother. 24. Sadie. 
   12   Stearns.
        Total 5.

[[preprinted]] RECEIVABLE. [[/preprinted]]

5  Mother. Nov. 30 (27) Mother and Sadie Dec. 11 (27) Stearns Jan 18

       Total 4.