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Letters written [[strikethrough preprinted]] Bills Payable [[/strikethrough]] February [[/preprinted]]

[[preprinted]] Date Name. Dolls. Cts [[/preprinted]]
     7 |   Prof. Baird.  Mother 11. Two Valentines.  15. H.W. Elliott.  
    16 | Mother. Miss Merriam. 19. Ed Commonwealth. 
    20 | Dr. Canfield  24.  Baird.  A.M. Edwards.  Mother
 Total  12
 " [[Ditto for: Total]]    since Jan 1. = 18.

[[preprinted]] Receivable. [[/preprinted]]
Feb. 2. | (Papers Mother & Collyer)  Baird (9647) Jan. 7  Miss Merriam D. [[underlined superscript]] 20 [[/underlined superscript]]
     2. | Robt. Collyer  Jan 2.  Mrs. Kennicott. Dec. 30  Sadie Dec. 28.
     2. | Mother  Dec. 20  Mother & 8. Jan 9.  Henry Elliott Dec. 20.
     6. | Prof. Bannister (Jan. 9.) Mrs. Healy. Jan 8.  S.C. Clark.  Jan 5.
     12 | Baird (9697, Jan. 16.) Miss Merriam (Jan. 15.)  Grandma Healey (Jan 10)
     12 | Aunt Fannie (Dec. 28.)  Ed. Cope. (Jan. 7.)  Tom Newell (Jan 13) Elliott (J. 16)
     13 |  H. W. Elliott. (Jan 9)     16. Fredk. Dalley.  Vic.
     23 |  D. Thompson (Jan 27.)  A.M. Edwards  (Jan 31)  Mother (Jan. 21.)
     23 |  Prof. Baird (Jan 26)9748)  Miss Langford (Jan 19.) & pamph.
Total 25
" [[Ditto for: Total]]  since Jan 1. 29.

[[end page]]

[[start page]]

Letters written [[strikethrough preprinted]] Bills Payable [[/strikethrough]] March [[/preprinted]]

[[preprinted]] Date Name. Dolls. Cts [[/preprinted]]
     3 |   [[strikethrough]] Mother (F.4) Dr. Gould (F. 2nd) [[/strikethrough]] rec'd see below.
Mar. 7 |   Mother. 197 Prof. Baird 198. Stimpson 199. 
    9. |   Uncle William 200. Grandma Dall 201. Sam. C. Clarke 202
    9. |   Tommy Newell 203  Rev. S. W. Bush. 204. & 21 pamphlets.
    12. | [[V?]] Mother [[underlined]] 204 [[/underlined]] 14th. Dr. Cooper 205. 15. Father (206).  16. Mother 207.
    16. |   Geo. C. Walker -8. 17. Thompson -9. Mr. Collyer 210. Mrs. 
    17 |    Kennicott -11. Henry Elliott -12. Theobald 213. 20. Dr. Cooper. 
    28 |    Mother. Prof. Baird.
      Total. 21.
        " [[Ditto for Total]] since Jan. 1. = 39.

[[preprinted]] Receivable. [[/preprinted]]
Mar. 3 |   Mother (F. 4.) Dr. Gould (F. 2) 7. Prof. Baird (Feb. 3. 9794.)
     7 |   Prof Baird (Feb. 7. 9836.) Dr. Stimpson (Feb. 9.) Sadie (Feb. 8.)
     7 |   Grandma Dall (Jan. 30.) Rec'd package of books from S. I.
   14. |  Dr. Cooper. (Mar. 13.) 15. Mother (Feb. 18.) Mother (Feb 20.)
    15 |   Prof. Baird (Feb. 15. 9915.) 19. Prof Henry (for Mrs Bridges)
   19. |  Dr. Cooper.(M. 17.) Dr. J. P. Kirtland (Feb. 21.)
    26 |   Dr Cooper (M. ) Miss Cleveland (Feb 17) Sillimans Journal
    26 |   Pamphlet. [[Stm?]]. 27. 28. Dr. Cooper. (M. 26.) Prof Dana [[(F?]]
       Total. 21
         " [[Ditto for: Total]] since Jan. 1 = 50.

Transcription Notes:
Ambrosia: FYI TC would like ", do & dittos transcribed as " [[Ditto for: text]] Dr Canfield is correct (see previous pages, ornate C)