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New Years Day finds me in San Francisco quartered on board the bark Golden Gate W. U. Tel. Exp. Jan 9. Sail on the Fayaway (schr.) Capt. Josslyn for Monterey. 11th arrive at Mty. 30th sail for San Francisco. arrive Feb 1. May 2. Clara Bell sailed for Petropavlovsk, and afterward put into Honolulu leaky. June 6th Palmetto sailed for Petropavlovsk. June 8. Rutgers sailed for Puget Sound and Plover Bay. June 1. promoted to a first Lieutenancy. June 21. Onward sailed for Petrop. via Via Victoria. June 23. Col. Bulkley in the Wright sailed for Petropavlovsk direct. July 10. Col. Wicker in the Gate sailed for Plover Bay direct. July 11, at 1.30 P.M. Ship Nightingale sailed for Plover Bay, myself on board. Capt. Scammon in charge. July 8, Rutgers sails from Puget Sound for Plover Bay. Aug 5, Nightingale clears the Ounimak Pass. Aug. 13, Rutgers arrives at Plover Bay  Aug. 14. Nightingale anchors in Plover Bay. Aug 18. Wright arrives in [[strikethrough]] Petrop [[/strikethrough]] Plover Bay having been to Petrop. and Anadyr finding all well and prospects sanguine. Aug. 27. Gate arrives at Plover Bay, all well. Sept. 11. Rutgers with Libby, Caldwell and party sail for Grantley Harbor. Sept 12. Golden Gate with Capt. Dick Bush sail for Anadyr River  Sept. 13 Steamer Wright sails for St. Michaels. Sept 19 Bark Evelyn Wood arrives at Plover Bay. Sept 20 Nightingale & myself sail for St. Michaels. Sept. 24. Anchor off St. Michaels near Egg Id. Sept 25. Get news of Kennicotts untimely death and am appointed Surgeon in Charge of the Youkon Division, and Chief of Sci. Corps. Sept. 30 go ashore at St. Michaels R. A. Oct. 1 Nightingale sails for Plover Bay.
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Letters of importance. Synopsis.
Prof. S. F. Baird
Jan. 7. Per Str. of 10th. Going to Monterey. Not had time to copy notes, about shells given to Dr. N. Hyde disch. Doubts as to the future. Want Gills fish papers, and Carpenters Reps very much, will pay for them if n. 
Jan 7 Dr. Torrey.
do. [[Ditto for: Jan 7]] about Mrs. Bridges book &c going to Monterey. Bothers & happy N.Y. 
Jan 7 Mother.
Enclosing four photos, speaking of Wendte & Monterey trip.
Feb 7 Mother. enclosing 4 photos, speaking of ball Monterey and bothers.
Feb 7 Prof. Baird.
Have been successful in Monterey, shall use leisure on the alcoholic specimens.  Ounga unapproachable this year.  Have had an interview with the Col. and proposed to take Elliott and Petropaulski by the first vessel.  B. uncertain.  Elliott independent.  Whale jaws disposed of.  Made and enclose notes on Cala. Gray whale.  Ayres fishes must be sent; shall pick out types.  Canfield misanthropic.  Can't get Carpenters Reps.  Sorry about Chi. Acad. Sci.  Please write often.
Feb. 19.  Ed. Commonwealth. Desiring him to exclude from publication any further communications in regard to the Ex. rec'd from others and purporting to be derived from me.
Feb. 24. Prof. Baird.
Cal. Acad. oxydised.  Bridges plants chilian.  Shall write to the Entom. Soc about Mrs. B's beetles.  Boxes numbered hitherto & catalogue enclosed.  Horns lost on Wright.  Shall send Ayres fish by this next steamer.  Also notes, drawings, sketches, baleen &c.  Haven't heard from Walker or [[Stin?]] Hurry up books.  Conway & Wicker fracas.  List of outfit handed in and enclosed.  Try Ounalaschka but doubt the feasibility this year.  Elliott willing.  Uncertainty harassing.  Enclose Ayres catalogue of fish.

Transcription Notes:
Ambrosia: Minor edits. Where writer crosses out word or phrase, transcribe as [[strikethrough]] text [[/strikethrough]] Transcription centre would like do, ditto and " transcribed as [[Ditto for: text]]