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_____Friday, Jan 25._____
Morning. blowing a strong SW gale and quite warm. 0 to -4 only.  Carpoff doesn't come and I win my four norkas.  Take a good steam bath, and put away a lot of birds and clean a fox skeleton which I got from Ivan.
_____Saturday, Jan 26_____
Morning.  The coldest and most uncomfortable day I have yet spent in the country, though only five below zero, but a gale blowing.  Buy some drill of Ivan to pay for making the little parkies and get two rabbits to skin from Ivan.  Get a nose ornament from Dyer for the Smithsonian.  Evening.  Yagor in, have dancing and singing and quite a jolly evening.
_____Sunday Jan 27._____
Morning.  Little Peetka having been out shooting comes in with two of his fingers nearly shot off.  Set & dress them, and he bears it like a Trojan.  Kurill brings in 3 grouse and a ♀ [[symbol for female]] 3 toed woodpecker which seems to be pretty common about here.  Skin two grouse in evening.
_____Monday Jan 28 _____
A very bad head ache all day.  Clean a foxes bones and try cutting tobacco fine by grinding in an old coffee mill.  Onilna furnishes a little parki (Koyoukunsky woman's) for me. Turn in quite sick
______Tuesday Jan 29_____
Quite sick and lie down almost all day.  Pack away some collections and catalogue them; get two squirrels and a gray wagtail of Larriown.  Onilna finished the Koyoukun parki very well and I have her make a pair of breeches.

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_____Wednesday Jan. 30._____
Morning a little better but very sore all over particularly the throat.  Two sundogs about noon.  Joe & Kurilla go after wood as the Russians didn't bring enough.  Evening skin two birds in spite of headache & pack a lot of specimens.  Onilna in a fit of sulks and don't come in all day. Yagor brings in a pair of the little boots, very pretty and nearly done.
_____Thursday Jan 31_____
Morning.  Not much better.  Carpoff doesn't come & I win two more minkskins on a bet with Pickett.  Put away some more specimens, skin two squirrels Get all of my parkies done and dress Peetkas hand again.
_____Friday February 1_____
Morning. Cold and disagreeable.  A strong West wind makes the house cold all day.  About noon the Captain, Mike, Everett Smith & Carpoff arrive with the trains and news from below - Also Ivan from Ulukuk and best of all some reindeer meat.
_____Saturday Feb 2_____
Morning. Cold and disagreeable.  Make up some brandy out of alcohol & fixens and the Captain gets the Russians drunk.  These miserable dogs are the veriest beasts I ever saw. Make some pies.  Ennis is probably off for Port Clarence.  My letter was delivered.  He has drawn all the powder & grub from the redoubt and 3000 lbs flour from Stepanoff.  We have got 600 lbs.  The crowd have got to work on the line at Unalakleet & have about five miles in hand.  Jay Chappel is in charge there. I had a fight with Andrea, was in the wrong of course.  He has to Attenmut. Adams from Unalakleet to this place to build.  E. has taken most of his trading staff to Libby.

Transcription Notes:
Libby has been mentioned previously in diary