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Collector(s): Forsius, R.

Verbatim Date: [Not Stated]

Collection Date (From): [Not Stated]

Collection Date (To): [Not Stated]

Verbatim Locality: Finland Karislojo

Country: FI


State/Province 2: Uusimaa

County: [Not Stated]

Precise Locality: Karislojo




Barcode/USNMENT Number: USNMENT00998051

Other Number(s):

Label Note: CF Baker Collection 1927

Transcription Notes:
"CF Baker collection" doesn't necessarily mean Baker was the collector, does it? "R. Forsius" appears on label with locale. SL:- Yep - good catch! Been informed that 1927 isn't the collection date and that seems to make sense as it may be the date it came into the CF Baker collection. Have therefore edited. Also searched location under Geonames and edited/added info.