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[[top left margin]] RD Sage 1965
[[top right margin]] 1 [[circled]]

[[strikethrough]]Xla Iu[[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]]Xylocopa[[/underlined]] sp.
[[underlined]]Playa Cocos, sea level, Guanacaste,Costa Rica[[/underlined]]
[[left margin]]7 July    
15:20-18:10 On two Flamboyant Trees Steve & I got 12 [[underlined]]Mega[[underlined]] & [[underlined]]Neo[[/underlined]] [[underlined]]Xylocopa[[/underlined]]. They were coming to the flowers for nectar. The one tree in which we got 10 of the specimens was about 50 ft high & 50-60 ft across. The bees were quite abundant in the higher parts of the tree. One two occassions (16:10 & 17:30) I counted at least 4 different bees in the tree. The bees remained active until 18:05. At 18:00 The sun disappeared below the horizon. At 18:10 I got one [[underlined]]Eulema[[/underlined]] and no [[underlined]]Xylocopa[[/underlined]] were seen or heard. There were a couple of occassions when the bees were working the same bunch of flowers and were as near as 4-6 inches from each. There was no apparent aggressive action by either bee in these instances. There were three species of hummingbirds working the tree. There were no encounters between the bees and the birds. All of the bees I saw flew away from the tree in a northerly direction -- but this may be a biased observation as I spent little time on the south side.