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[[preprinted]] 50 [[/preprinted]] [[pencil]] Jamaica 49 [[/pencil]] At 5 P.M. started back into the mountains. Arrived at the place above Catadupa at about six-thirty, and immediately started setting-up. Had to fill the gasoline lantern with gas and put on mantels. Spread [[beating?]] net on ground and hung the electric light over it. Before I had gotten set up, I had an audience of natives; they stayed as long as I kept the light at the motor. As the lamp attracted practically nothing, I went out after fire-flies. I showed them to the natives, who then brought me several more. At about seven fifteen the electric light went out. The fuse was blown. I put in another, - one flash and that was gone too. The third didn't even flash, so I gave it up and put [[strikethrough]] out[[/strikethrough]] forth the gasoline lantern. Still very little came, so I took a net and went to search stumps and tree-trunks. No luck at all, except more fire-flies. Seem to be four species. Didn't see any of the electric Elaterids ([[underlined]] Pyrophorus [[/underlined]]) so common in Panama. They occur here in Jamaica somewhere at some time of year, as I've heard unmistakable descriptions of [[end page]] [[start page]] [[preprinted]] 51 [[/preprinted]] them from residents. So I gave this up and tried beating trees and brush. At first beat got two more of the large [[left margin]] [[underlined]] Diaprepes [[/underlined]] [[/margin]] [[image - one horizontal line capped by two smaller vertical lines]] gray and pink (one yellow) beetles as at Station 11. Later got another. Also Staphs, weevils, and miscellaneous small beetles, rather similar to the [[strikethrough]] afternoons [[/strikethrough]] mornings catch. The locality is the same Station 16, and I judge the elevation to be about 3000 feet. The dew was very heavy and the temperature lower than I've seen since last spring, - almost too chilly for comfortable riding in a light shirt and no sleeves! [[margin]] VII-20-35 [[/margin]] [[margin]]Photo #16[[/margin]] Destination today was to be Mandeville. Went via Lucea, Glasgow, Morgan's Bridge, Savanna La Mar, Black River, Middle Quarters, Lacovia, and Santa Cruz. Reached Mandeville so early that I decided to come on to Kingston, via Porus, May Pen, Old Harbour, [[strikethrough]] Sp [[/strikethrough]] and Spanish Town. Arrived at 630 P.M. The road is paved all the way from Porus. [[underlined]] Station 17. [[/underlined]] Ten miles west of Montego Bay on road to Lucea, near beach. A dead hawk in the road yielded about a dozen ^[[(7)]] [[underlined]] Creophilus maxillosus [[/underlined]], but nothing else. [[end page]]