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[[Preprinted page number]] 98 [[/preprinted]] [[pencil]] Haiti 34. [[/pencil]] (at station 23)
[[Left margin]] VIII-23-35 [[/left margin]] Up at 5 this morning and got started before [[left margin]] J [[/left margin]] 6 for Kenscoff and Furcy.  Took the road that goes beyond Kenscoff about a mile, and then followed trail.  Left motorcycle at 7:30.  Trail is level and takes about five miles to get to Furcy, whereas the direct trail over the ridge is only 2 1/2 miles.  This [[strikethrough]] w [[/strikethrough]] one one was laid out a a road to Furcy and Robin, [[left margin]] IJ [[/left margin]] but was never completed.  I collected by [[left margin]] Sta.23.C. [[/left margin]] sweeping and beating along the path and down the ridges a few yards.  About a mile from Furcy where spring-water runs [[left margin]] Photo #21 [[/left margin]] in the path I caught the Cicindelids flying.  Near here the upper path joins the lower and I followed it to the top, then followed the ridge [[strikethrough]] so [[/strikethrough]] east.  Found good collecting in the [[left margin]] Sta.23.D. [[/left margin]] brush on the top of the hill.  A fruit tree of some sort and blackberry bushes were best.  Farther on I worked dung for three-quarters of an hour.  Then down the very steep face of the hill to the [[motor]].  Water and lunch, and then home - 2:30 when I arrived. [[left margin]] Sta.23.E. [[/left margin]] The list of the days catch follows:  Indung - 24 [[underlined]] Canthon [[/underlined]] , 4 Histerids, 32 brown [[underlined]] Aphodius [[/underlined]] , 8 large Sphaeridiius and 7 [[underlined]] Cercyon [[/underlined]] , [[underlined]] 94 [[/underlined]] Staphs (Oxytelinae, Philouthi, and Alcocharinae chiefly).
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
[[preprinted]] 99 [[/preprinted]]
[[left margin]] + 2 Staphs [[/left margin]]
1 [[underlined]] Meloloutha [[/underlined]] dead on the top of the hill. Beathing and sweeping - Staphs - 1 [[underlined]] Paederus [[/underlined]] and 1 [[underlined]] Aleochara [[/underlined]] , 6 1/2" [[underlined]] Acindela [[/underlined]] , 1 1/4" same, 6 Lampyrids (3 species0, 11 Elaterids, 2 Nitidulids (2 species), 15 Mordellids (3 species), 25 Aedemerids (2 species), 46 Coccinelloids (6 species), 3 very slender gray 1/2" Cerambycids, 15 Chrysomedids (3 species), 16 Bruchids, 2 of the large yellow-striped weevils and 38 other weevils (13 species), 1 large walking-stick, 1 green katydid, 1 grasshopper, 1 small Mantid, 1 bristly red bee-fly, 2 horseflies, 3 bees, 2 wasps, 5 roaches, 5 earwigs, 31 leaf-or tree-hoppers (12 species), 3 or 4 bugs, 26 assorted spiders, and about 50 miscellaneous small beetles.
This is the best days collecting I've had yet. Have hopes that one of the Acindelids is the one that Darlington is reported to have considered new. Audant says that this was one of Darlington's favorite localities. There is no question that he early morning is the most pleasant time to collect and I have seen nothing to indicate it isn't just as productive.
But I still get the taste of gasoline in the water and in my lunch! Terrible!