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[[preprinted]] 130 [[/preprinted]] [[in pencil]]  [[top margin]]Dominican Rep. 23[[top margin]]

is 318 fathoms or about 1900 feet, while between Haiti and Cuba it is about 6000 feet.  The island may be divided into northern part (greater part of the island) and southern part (s.w. peninsula and area s. of Enriquillo Basin.  A third part is the plains of Seibo and Bani in the s.e.  Topographic divisions are Cordillera Septentrional, Samaná Peninsula, Cibao Valley, Cordillera Central, Valley of San Juan, Azua Plain, Sierra de Neiba, Sierra de Martín García, Enriquillo Basin, Sierra de Bahoruco, southern peninsula, and the coastal plain.  The Cord. Septent. is about 125 miles long, altitudes up to 4200 feet.  The Samaná Pen. is about 30 miles long, a mass of fairly rugged but not high mountains.  The Cibao V. extends 140 miles from Mte. Cristi to Samaná Bay, east part well watered, but west part more arid.  The Cord. Central extends from extreme east to the n. mts. of Haiti.  The V. of San Juan is 50 miles long, water plentiful.  Azua Plain covered with cactus and mesquite.  Sierra de Neiba attains elev. of nearly 4500 feet, chiefly limestone ridges.  S. de M. Garciá similar to last.  Enriquillo Basin is recent ocean bottom with coral, etc.  Sierra de Bahoruco are continuation of southern range of Haiti, reaching about 6000 ft.  So. Penin. has heavier rainfall than most other parts, and is thickly wooded.  The Coastal Pl. in east contains ex-
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tensive forests and savannahs, sugar cane is most important crop.
[[margin]] J [[/margin]] Lunch this noon was practically inedible.  We had spaghetti and pig's kidneys, and eggs scrambled with brains!  No one ate any and nothing else was talked of all afternoon. At five [[strikeout]] Mr. [[/strikeout]] Col. Lewis drown us down town to see the Museo Nacional. Party included Mrs. Lewis, Mr. Owen, and me, but we met Mr. Evertson on the way and picked him up. Went to get something to drink and had a swell orangeade. It was practically an emulsion, being shaken in a mixer. Others had beer or rum punch. Dinner was much better, and avocados very nice.
[[margin]] IX-14-35 [[/margin]]Drove out along road eastward, past San [[margin]] J [[/margin]] Isidro, planning to take road through Guerra and Bayaguana. Found it in too bad [[strikeout]] k [[/strikeout]] condition after last nights heavy rain, so came back and continued east, turning off on road to Boca Chica.
[[underlined]] Station 41. [[/underlined]]
Vicinity of Boca Chica, about 22 miles east of Santo Domingo. Pasture on coral terrace. 
[[margin]] I [[/margin]]In dung found quite a few Scarabs but only a few [[insert in pencil]] (7) [[/insert in pencil]] Staphs. Two fine spiders in one web.