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[[preprinted]] 48 [[/preprinted]] Antigua 25.

After tea we went up to the Tennis Club to see the finals of the mixed doubles - Dr. & Mrs. Edwards vs. Miss Jarvis & Dr. Hudson. It was a close match 9-7, 43-6, 6-4. Fortunately the Edwards won, - fortunately because they played under a heavy handicap. In every game they started with a minus 30. Practically every game went to deuce, but usually only once. I thought the women played rather well, but the men rather poorly. One was a continual cutter and the other (Hudson) was rather unfair to his partner by coaching her so much (and unnecessarily).
 In the middle of the game the governor arrived - his first visit to the club. Everyone stood up till he was seated. After the game he gave out cups to the winners. We were unable to get any sound argument for the handicaps, which are set by certain players of the club!
 Ruth stayed to play bridge and I got a ride home with Mr. Moore.
 I stopped a while to talk to Miss Ray - Mrs. Mason's sister. We agreed on the ridiculousness of insisting on court mourning at all affairs at Gov't. House, of admitting that the winners of the handicap tournament were very likely [[underline]] not [[/underline]] the best players in the club, etc.
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[[preprinted]] 49 [[/preprinted]]
[[margin]] VIII-26-36 [[/margin]] Only slightly threatening today, so I went out collecting south of St. Johns. It rained a little here in town but not where I was
[[underline]] Station 281. [[/underline]]
1 mile south of village of All Saints (which is 5 1/2 [[margin]] A [[/margin]] miles south of St. Johns). From dung took 183 Staphs ([[underline]] Oxytelus [[/underline]] - 76, Paederinae - 66, Xantholininae - 1, [[underline]] Philonthus [[/underline]] - 30, [[underline]] Conosoma [[/underline]] - Aleocharinae-7), 1 Carabid, 4 Hydrophilids, 66 Sphaeridiinae, 46 [[Histerids?]], 149 [[underline]] Aphodius [[/underline]], Forficulids, and ants. From a small [[margin]] B [[/margin]] piece of excrement took 17 Staphs ([[underline]] Oxytelus [[/underline]] - 7, [[underline]] Aleoehara [[/underline]]-1, other Aleocharinae -9, 4 Forficulids. The 3 [[underline]] Consomas [[/underline]] may not even be Staphs. They are same as taken in the past. Can't be sure, but they rather look like that genus with long elytra.
These bring island total to 591 Staphs.
Yesterday was Mr. Frost's birthday (24th), and he celebrated today. Before dinner he had his boss at the radio station,(Mr. Lord) and wife, in for cocktails. Ginger (Frost) was in high spirits, trying to get everyone to partake of everything "because it's my birthday."!
Mr. Lord told me of a test of rainwater they made (looking for battery water). They found a large amount of sediment which proved, under the microscope, to be fish bones! I wonder what it really was.