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[[pre-printed]] 78 [[/pre-printed]]
Redonda 1, final.
Montserrat I, final.

[[margin]] IX-29-36 (cont.) [[/margin]] At 3:30 P.M. we passed Redonda. This is an isolated rock, 1 mile long and 1/3 mile wide. It rises to a height of 1,000 feet. It is about 10 miles north of Montserrat and 25 miles southwest of Antigua. It is a dependency of Antigua. Said to be uninhabited now, but has deposits of aluminium phosphate.

At 5:00 P.M. we anchored at Plymouth, Montserrat. There was a strong smell of sulphur in the air. We didn't go ashore but among those who came on board I noticed [[strikethrough]] Miss [[/strikethrough]] the young lady who had been at the hotel with us when we were here before. Ruth went to talk to her. Ruth wrote several letters, and I did a page or two in this journal. At the Purser's Office we got some of the new Susan B. Anthony commemorative stamps. We met Mr. Wall when he came on board.
Sailed at 7:45 P.M., about 5 hours late!

[[underlined]] Station 295. [[underlined]]
St. Johns, Antigua. Several dozen Ptinids working in papers and wood of a desk. Also 2 Staphs, a Cerambycid, an Aedemerid, etc., etc. flying about the hotel.
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[[pre-printed]] 79 [[/pre-printed]]
St. Kitts l.

[[margin]] IX-29-36 (cont.) [[/margin]] We arrived off Basseterre, St. Kitts at about 11:00 P.M. A heavy shower started just before we anchored and the launches, lighters, and small boats stayed ashore till the rain stopped. The first launch went in at about 11:30, but we waited for the second. I met the Harbour Master - Mr. Phillips, and learned that they have been expecting us for a year! Mr. Delisle has been in England, but is expected back tomorrow on the S.S. Inanda. 
  We were passed through the Customs automatically, and walked the 50 yards across to the Seaside Hotel. The proprietress, Mrs. McDonald was still up, and we got the best double room for the night at least.
[[margin]] IX-30-36 [[/margin]]  Got up at 8:30, and after breakfast, started out to see where we could stay cheapest. Mrs. Brownhill's B.H. was cheapest, $60 to $80 a month for both, but we decided we could stand it only as a last resort. Mrs. Dunlop's B.H. was full for the winter, but looked very nice. Mrs. Scarfs' B.H. was apparently not "running". Here at the Seaside Hotel the rate was to be $100. We decided that that was better than Mrs. Brownhill's, but Ruth later argued the price down to $90. That's not so bad.
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