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[[pre-printed]] 110 [[/pre-printed]]

Fountain Estate, St. Kitts                               90.
Frigate Bay Estate, St. Kitts            84,86,87,93,97,104.
Frigate Bay, South, St. Kitts                      84,86,88.
   "     " , North, St. Kitts                         84,96.
[[checkmark]] Frost, Mr. Ginger  31,36,47,49,50,57,59,60,61,
[[checkmark]] Fruit                                   45,98.
[[checkmark]] Fungus                        35,40,68,93,101.
[[checkmark]] Furness S. S. Co.                          89.
[[checkmark]] Geology                        44,59,75,77,78.
[[checkmark]] Geology of Antigua                         65.
[[checkmark]]    "     " Montserrat                   17,18.
[[checkmark]] Gillie, Miss                        1,3,15,23.
[[checkmark]] Glasses                                    47.
[[checkmark]] Globe Hotel                                25.
[[checkmark]] Golf, Clock                          66,67,68.
[[checkmark]] Gould, R.T.                                36.
[[checkmark]] Government House                      90,9,12.
[[checkmark]] Graf, Mr.                               97,99.
Grand Bay, Dominica                                      10.
Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands                             14.
[[checkmark]] Graves, Mr. L.                             86.
Greenhill Estate, St. Kitts                       98,99,100.
Grenada                                                   6.
[[checkmark]] Griffiths, Mr.                             24.
Guadeloupe                                   14,16,51,54,65.
[[checkmark]] Guide to the West 
Indies (Pocket)                                       17,65.
Haiti                                                 13,28.
Hawaii                                                  3,7.
[end page]

[start page]
pre-printed]] 111 [[/pre-printed]]

[[checkmark]] Hazlett, Mr.            58,93,95,101,102,103.
[[checkmark]] Herbert, A. P.                            63.
High Point, Antigua                                     38.
[[checkmark]] History of Antigua                        65.
Hodge Point, Antigua                                    41.
[[checkmark]] Hollander, Mr.                            19.
[[checkmark]] Hotels                                 12,79.
[[checkmark]]    Brownhill's B.H.                       79.
[[checkmark]]    Dunlop's B.H.                          79.
[[checkmark]]    Scarf's B.H.                           79.
[[checkmark]]    Seaside Hotel                       79,96.
[[checkmark]]    Shadwell House                      90,92.
[[checkmark]]    Staffordshire Hotel                    93.
[[checkmark]] Hudson, Dr.                               48.
[[checkmark]] Hurricanes                     3,12,13,17,69.
[[checkmark]] Ice Cream                              37,72.
[[checkmark]] Indesces to journals            3,8,10,11,74.
[[checkmark]] Insects of Western North America          10.
[[checkmark]] Ison, Harry, Co. Inc.                     24.
Jack in the Box, St. Kitts                           98,99.
[[checkmark]] Jaggar, Dr.                              7,8.
Jamaica                                                 93.
[[checkmark]] Jarvis, Miss                              48.
[[checkmark]] John, Stanley                              2.
[[checkmark]] Journal, Ruth's                            8.
Key Gut, St. Kitts                                      85.
[[checkmark]] King, Mr. Geo                             98.
[[checkmark]] Knight, Mr.                               12.