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[[circled]] 7 [[/circled]]

[[underlined]] Ateles fusciceps [[/underlined]]. Oct. 3, 1958, II.

[[Image - three vertical lines and a rectangular shaped hashed section in pencil in the margin of page]]

Notes of the Marmosets) Much less emphatic than the Q of the Marmosets. Sounded very much as if they might be "low intensity" versions of the regular B.  
  These Q notes are probably among the notes I heard given by S the first night (see Oct. 2, p. 2), but they were probably accompanied by others then S certainly gave a number of Q Notes quite like those of L today - apparently when he was hostile to me. But he also gave other notes which I probably confused with Q the first night. There are weak Till notes, quite similar to Q in quality; but with a definite rattle undertone, of perhaps 3 or 4 "semi-syllables".
  It is possible that these Till's are purely hostile; and they may, in face, be intermediate between typical Q note and the farting notes (see below). S certainly gave some Till's in much the same circumstances as Q, i.e. when he seemed to be irritated or frightened by my presence, i.e. when coming out of Hdd, and fixating me, or starting to move away from me. But he also tended to give a burst of Till notes when L moved away from him after they had both been Hdd-ing and Cl-ing. Seemed to be a protest against L's departure; probably an attempt to call L back. Perhaps thwarted gregariousness; or the call an infant gives when its mother leaves it under natural conditions. Usually, of course, Till's by S were followed by S attempting to follow L; but then S always attempts to follow L anyhow.)
  S also did more of the "farting" Barks today. Apparently when disturbed by me. Sometimes associated with Q. I am now fairly certain that there are very closely related to the ordinary B