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[[circled]] 12 [[/circled]]
[[underline]] Ateles fusciceps [[/underline]], Oct. 6, 1958, I. 

[[Image - three vertical lines and a rectangular shaped hashed section in pencil in the margin of page]]

Monkey nearby. He made a lot of movements as if he were trying to go to the recorder, and he also gave lots & lots of calls. The great majority of his calls were [[Till's?]], sometimes very high intensity and loud. He gave [[Till's?]] even when the loudspeaker was giving [[Q?]] or B. This use of the [[Till?]] was, of course, very reminiscent of the [[Q?]]DC of the marmoset H in somewhat similar circumstances.
  We tried very hard to record the shrieks which S gave when picked up in the hand when we first got him. I caught & beat, & slapped & pulled both S and L. unmercifully - without success. They simply could not be induced to shriek. This would suggest that the shrieks only occur in a paroxysm of terror; and the animals aren't that disturbed now. 
  After letting them go, however, it was quite obvious that L had been greatly alarmed by the process of catching & beating and recording. She ran around the cage, around me, occasionally approaching me very briefly, in much the same way that she used to do when she was giving long bursts of B toward me. But she approached me less often and less closely than she used to do; and she did relatively little B. She gave Q notes and [[underlined]] a lot of Tills instead [[/underlined]] !!!
  This incident would certainly suggest that both the Q and Till are, or can be, hostile; and that the Till, at least, can be produced when the escape drive is stronger than attack. 
  (It is always possible, I suppose, that the Q and Till are both still "general frustration" reactions; but the Till must be less aggressive than B. The relationship between the three vocal patterns still puzzles me; but I am quite prepared to believe that they

Transcription Notes:
If unsure of particular words in text transcribe as [[text?]] - refer to above right blue help tab for tips writer uses letter notations eg B, S, L etc for abbreviations of calls and references to animals Ateles fusciceps =