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[[circled]] 27 [[/circled]]

[[underlined]] Ateles [[/underlined]] ssp., Nov. 14, 1959, III. 

[[image - three black vertical lines and one black hashed column in left margin of page]]

the floor as props, but it will always pick up the food with its mouth and lips.
Unlike most baby monkeys, this little animal seems to have absolutely no escape reaction of any sort Absolutely no tendency to climb up and away from any frightening or disturbing stimulus. Never anything but Hdd. 
She doesn't seem to be at all upset at being thrown about or dropped or swung from hand to hand (unless she falls and experiences actual pain.) Quite silent throughout. Only every once in a while, if I actually stand her on her head on my hand, will she utter a not very intense "Distress Call Trill" (see below). She always remains curled up in a tight little ball, grasping herself, no matter how hard I throw her around. Absolutely no attempt to put her hands or feet out to brace herself for landing with a thump.
I am fairly certain that most of this curling up, grasping herself, behavior cannot be due to fear or alarm in any way.
Her vocalizations seem quite limited in scope and variety, and quite difficult to analyze.
The main vocalization is a Trill. This is probably a partly generalized Distress Call, as a whole; but it mostly appears as a "Lost Call." In other words, at least 90% of the Trills she utters now occur when she is separated from me or any other human being and cannot climb back on.  (This brings up an interest point about the stimuli releasing the Lot Call Trill. She utters Trills when she has been clinging to my hand and I try to take her off. She also utters Trill's for the first few seconds after being taken off.  She also utters Trill's when she has been off me for some time, and I present my hand near her and she starts to crawl toward it.  She does [[underline]] not [[/underline]] continue to utter Trill's if I present my hand to her on the ground and then gradually withdraw it as she crawls 
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Transcription Notes:
lines and hashmarks in margin denote type of monkeys he's discussing