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[[circled]] 36 [[/circled]]
[[underline]] Ateles [[/underline]] ssp, Oct. 29, 1960, III. 

[[image left margin: 3 vertical lines  and one vertical hash line]]

[[from previous page: performan]]ances are done with the lips meeting and the teeth hidden.

[[image left margin: one penciled vertical hash line, one penciled vertical line, one vertical red line, and one vertical red hash line]]

   I am certain, incidentally, that the PL & OCB of the adult ♂ Red described above on Jun. 24, 1959, p.17, was accompanied by slight chin-raising and eye-closing, just like the PL's of the young Reds.
   None of the Reds or Blacks I have now have done any OCB like that of the adult Red described above. 

[[image left margin: 3 redvertical lines, and 1 vertical red hash line]]

   Another pattern or group of patterns which Abdomeno performed quite frequently when we first got him was MO & Lsh. Again as a response to my approach. Mouth opened very widely (with little or no trace of BT), and the head shaken from side to side, usually approximately 2,3,or 4 times, while the mouth remained open. This shaking was only moderately rapid, [[underline]] much [[/underline]] slower than the V of young Woollie's. During some MO & Lsh performances, I think the head was tilted in just the opposite way from during silent PL's, Comme ça. 
[[image: sketch of monkey's head and torso in profile, mouth open, head tilted down; arrow points from "Comme ça" to head.]]
   This MO and Lsh performance also appeared to be both friendly and hostile. The friendly components probably stronger than in the silent PL. Abdomeno, the friendliest of the young reds, is the only one who has ever direct MO & Lsh at me. It is possible that the hostile components are also stronger in MO & Lsh than in the silent PL - Although I rather doubt it (See also notes on MO & Lsh of adult ♂ Red below). [[written in red pencil]] See also note p. 38 [[/written in red pencil]]
   All the young Reds have been remarkably silent on the whole. [[undecipherable, in red pencil]] The silence of the juveniles may be partly due to the fact that they are not tame, but Abdomeno was also very silent, even when we first got him. 
  Abdomeno and some of the other young Reds have uttered Trills occasionally. Relatively brief, soft, thin and "pure" in tonal quality.  Usually or always with PL just like the silent PL; and also usually or always