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[[underline]] Ateles [[/underline]] ssp, Oct. 30, 1960, III. [[circled]] 49 [[/circled]]

[[image - three vertical red lines and one vertical red hash mark column in left margin of page]]

Every once in a while, during this exploration, Julia's Snorting would develop into brief MFB. The transitions Snorting ------> MFB and MFB ----> Snorting were usually smooth and gradual. [[underline]] Her Snorts and MFB's appeared to be little more than two extremes of a single pattern [[/underline]]! It seems quite likely, therefore, that the MFB's develop from Snorting (possibly by "contamination" from B patterns) in the course of ontogeny Both typical snorts and typical MFB's have the same "faltering" rhythm.
The most extreme MFB's uttered by Julia today were quite like those I heard yesterday (some of which were also uttered by Julia) described above on p. 37 Like the MFB of adults, but softer.
Some of Julia's MFB today was accompanied by Lsh's. Most of her MFB's were accompanied by moderate opening and closing of the mouth; but during a few of them; both with and without Lsh's, the mouth was held wide open, in what appeared to be MO or, more probably, BT. None of her MFB's were accompanied by PL.
Sometimes Julia uttered MFB's "on her own". I could not tell what provoked these. But most of the MFB's occurred when I touched her, or grabbed her tail. This would indicate that her MfB's were more hostile than her Snorts. Probably fairly aggressive (as she did not retreat during MFB's, and some MFB's seemed to be accompanied by BT).
Julia also uttered little bursts of rather plaintive Squ's from time to time during this exploration. These Squ's were combined with PL, like the Snorts. But they did not intergrade with Snorts. Most of her Squ's were uttered when she made little incipient retreats (she made a lot of these retreats during her exploration). This would indicate that the Squ's are also more hostile than the Snorts. Probably produced when escape is predominant.
After exploring me for about 5 minutes, Julia gave up and left

Transcription Notes:
MFB or MfB used to indicate abbreviation of Muffled Barking. Mentioned very early on in the project. Three red lines and hatch marks on left side of page running from top of note to bottom of page. Ambrosia:- Have noted this in the transcription "faltering" rhythm. [new paragraph] [Lsh's?] Correction: Inf should be Mfb