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[[circled]]50 [[/cicled]]
[[underline]] Ateles [[/underline]] ssp., Oct. 30, 1960, IV 50

us, without further display.

A few minutes later I happened to approach Abdomeno, and noted that he was behaving in somewhat the same way as Julia. He was hanging on the [[uds??]] of a cage,  about 4-5 ft away from me, regarding me intently and uttering lots of Snorts, with PL, just like Julia. He continued to do this off and on for at least 10 minutes, moving about considerably, but never coming very close to me. He occasionally uttered Squ notes instead of Snorts. Some of these  Sgu's  were much longer than others. There seemed to be real WW, but they were obviously nothing more than high intensity Squ's and/or intermediate between Squ's and Screams (see below). These Squ's and "WW"s were also accompanied by PL; and, usually, some slight opening and closing of the mouth with each note. 
Some of Abdomeno's Squ's and "WW"s were accompanied by retreat movements; but not most of them.  So the Squ's and WW's are not extreme alarm. 
Every once in a while, one of Abdomeno's "WW"s would develop into a real Scream. These were always accompanied by retreat. Mouth opened quite widely, but no real MO or BT. No PL. (It was primarily Abdomeno's behavior this evening which convinced me that all or most of the Squ's and "WW"'s of young Reds are incipient Screams. 
Abdomeno also uttered a few single B notes - quite indistinctive in sound - during this performance. I couldn't really see what provoked these notes , but I presume they were also a hostile reaction to me. 
After watching many of the Reds do PL today, I realize that the lips are not usually really puckered during PL. Just protruded. Only Abdomeno really puckered today. But [[underline]] all [[underline]] PLK performances, both silent and vocal,are accompanied by the slight chin-lifting and eye-closuing