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Passed Yoke Pond camps. rough trail
Went through extensive beaver pond
area. Lost trail, circled, saw
beaver while off trail. Found AT
on road, then followed towerman
trail up Whitecap. Back tracked
to Leanto, arrived dark.


July 23 (Fri) climbed to tower on
Whitecap. Talked to fire lookout,
sky cloudy, starting to clear, visibility
hazy. Stopped for lunch at White Brook
Leanto. Many blowdowns. Marking
good. Came to road construction
near Hermitage. Arrived at Long
Pond Camps about 5:30. Stopped
to talk. Went on to Chairback
Gap Leanto. Trail good, weather cloudy.


July 24 - Left Chairback Gap about 7:00
Trail fair, some brush and a few