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Stopped raining. Cut boughs.


Fair weather in morning. Was cooking [[insertion]] July 28 [[/insertion]] when fisherman in boat came up and talked. Passed East Carry Camps Trail cut to pieces by logging most of the way to West Carry Pond. At West Carry Pond Camps talked to Storey's most of afternoon. Thunder storm meanwhile. Started on at 5:00 climbed Little Bigelow and stopped
on summit at dark.


[[in left margin]]July 29[[/margin]]
Rained toward morning. Woods very wet. Got thoroughly soaked while climbing to Avery Peak
(4055 el.) Went down to Avery Leanto in the [Col?]]. Built up fire and dried gear. Was about to nap when gang of boys from Y-camp arrived. Later talked to Fire Watchman and wife. Photod Avery Peak. Went
on over Horns, passed Leantos, and crossed valley, many mosquitos.