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Surplus Pond. Trail in that area to
highway okay.


Aug 2. - Left early, passed Surplus
Pond, Andover B Road, and Frye Brooke
Leanto. Good trail up Baldpate. East
wind on summit about 75 MPH. with
light rain (west peak). on East Peak met
camp group of girls from Bethlehem, Pa.
They were eating lunch and insisted on feeding
me too. Descended to Grafton Notch Leanto
and there met family of five and talked.
She was from Portland Maine. Steep climb
to summit of Old Speck Mtn. on good trail.
Reached Speck Pond [[strikethrough]]Leanto[[/strikethrough]]Shelter and stayed overnight. Raining lightly.


Aug 3. Rained during night. Cloud fog
in morning. On good trail descended to
Mahousuc Notch. Some ice evident. Trail
Good but tough. Good trail on to Full Goose[[?]]
[[strikethrough]]Leanto[[/strikethrough]] Shelter. Still cloudy with occasional sun.