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Good trail to Carlo Col shelter.  Windy and light rain over summits.  Saw raven on Goose Eye.  Still cloudy and windy at Carlo Col.  Met father and son from Chicago area trying to hike to Bigelow.  Had heavy loads, Kelty pacts.

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[[left margin note: Saw eagle at Success Mtn.]]

Aug 4 - Blew clear and colder overnight.  Visibility very good as crossed Success Mtn.  View of Presidentials excellent.  Stopped at Gentian Pond Shelter for early lunch and clean up for Gorham side trip.  Went on over good trail as far as Page Pond.  Brushy spots beyond.  Missed [[up arrow]] turn and crossed Mt. Hayes to Gorham instead of cutoff.  Got food supplies.  Post office closed.  Went to Rattle River shelter.

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Aug 5 - Returned to Gorham and bought tarp and film.

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