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[[left margin note:  saw deer heard turkeys]]
Sept. 24 - Rainy and cool night.  Fog and rain in morning.  Trail Fair to Good to Rocky Mtn., weeds & brush, marking good.  Trail to Wiggins Spring Shelter, [[circled]]thunderstorm at noon [[/circled]][[arrow to insert in line above]] Fair to good, weeds and brush.  To route 60 trail fair. weeds, briars & brush.  Reached Brown Mtn. Shelter in twilight, with sky clearing.
Sept. 25 - Clear and cool in morning.  Trail to Pedlar dam Fair to good with brushy spots.  Same to Punchbowl Shelter saw bear enroute.  Over Bluff Mtn. (visibility from Bluff Mtn. excellent)to James R. trail good except spot near river.  Marking good.  Saw several deer enroute.  Trail Good marking good from James R. past Matts Creek Shelter.  Slept by trail midway to Marble Springs Shelter.  Weather clear.
Sept. 26 - Chilly night. Cooked breakfast at Marble Springs Shelter.  Good trail & marking to Thunder Mtn. Shelter.  Heard turkeys. Cooked dinner at Thunder Mtn. Good trail past

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