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past J L Hodges (bought honey) to Dragon's Tooth.  Logging underway between " " [[ditto marks referring to Dragon's Tooth]] and _____________ Cove.  Trail a shambles.  Marking good through Cove and along road past Trout Creek Shelter to Niday Shelter.  Cooked supper, then continued till dark, sleeping by the trail about midway on Sinking Creek Mtn.  East wind blowing and chilly

Sept. 30 - Chilly night and morning.  Left before sunrise, stopped to talk with old man in shack on Mtn. Good trail and marking on Sinking Creek Mtn.  Reached store in valley at 9:00.  Not open. Marking good on road up mountain, good trail and marking past Big Pond Shelter (no water). Good marking on roads to War Branch Shelter (good water).  Sky overcast.  Good trail + marking to Bailey Gap Shelter (starting to rain so stopped early) No water in spring. 