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slept by trail about 2 miles short 
of Cherry Tree shelter
Oct. 5. Cold, clear night.  Started
at sunrise, passed Cherry Tree shelter
Good trail & marking past Straight
Branch Shelter to Sandy Flats Shelter.
Met F.S. man Decker there & talked.
Climbed to Feathercamp Tower for pic
of Mt. Rodgers & White Top.  Good trail to
Damascus, got food supplies, talked to
member of Mt. RATC, continued over
good trail till dark and by moonlight
to shelter in Tennessee.  Weather clear.
Oct 6 - Cool night.  Good trail & marking
past firetower, Bristol road, talked to
hunters. Continued over good trail past
several shelters, sky clouding over.
Crossed valley on road, reached shelter
overlooking Watauga backwater after
dark, got water from far down.  Started
raining, view of town below.