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July 6 - Saturday
Rained about dawn. Cooked breakfast in rain. Left hurriedly across bog, climbed ridge, saw mule deer. Good trail for several miles <>.
Vast flower covered slopes. Foggy but cleared at times. Reached Cispus Pass about noon. Had one rough snow crossing in gulch.
Crossed many snow patched beyond Pass.
Fog very dense in Cispus Basin.
crossed steep snow fields, step by step.
Fog cleared to show trail on opposite slope and crags above. Very wide and fearsome. Got across with difficulty and finally came to Snow-grass flats. Sign split. Lost trail. Foggy. Searched more than an hour before locating shelter. 3 hikers there so we bivouaced nearby. Weather clearing at sundown.

Transcription Notes:
gulch not qulch. g the same in Fog.