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rainy day - sore wet feet
slept at shelter before Bear Mtn.
Crossed Bear Mtn. and Mt. Everett
Passed through Sages Ravine
stopped and slept at [[blue ink]] Glen Brook [[/blue ink]] shelter

Reached S. Eqremont; met John and Dan
[[blue ink]] Lois and Betty [[blue ink]] stayed at Vinings, slept in barn
In morning visited MM Kellog and others 
Reached [[blue ink]] Tom Leonard [[/blue ink]] shelter at sunset
And stayed.  Temperature getting low.
About six others at the shelter.
Paused at Mt. wilcox shelter to sign
Passed side trail to  Mt. Wilcox shelter N.
came to Benedict pond then beaver pond.
First beaver pond on trip - occupied
Came to upper Goose Pond scenic
At US 20 met Chuck Anderson
[[bottom right margin]] [[blue ink]] stopped at Mt. Wilcox shelter [[/blue ink]]