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who drove me to and from Lee 
For groceries and also gave breakfast
Such favors are priceless to a backpacker
Passed ^Finerty Pond then passed grove of pines 
Slept 1 mile north of [[blue ink]] [[two words in one line over each other]] wilbur clearing [[/blue ink]] shelter
Stopped for lunch at Key Wood Leanto
Slept near Crystal Mtn. Campsite
Passed Gore Pond - Swampy brackish
The Cobbles - fine viewpoint on sidetrail
Over looking Cheshire-down to town
Stopped by a man who fed me ice cream and pie [[/blue ink]] 
Arrived at Dalton Moepeil shelter [[arrow pointing from this line to in between lines Over and Stopped]]
Long climb to Mt. Greylock + Mark [[arrow pointing from this line to Passed Gore line]]
Cloud fog at mid afternoon
Slept at side trail to Notch Road [[arrow pointing to between lines Arrived and Long]]
Passed Mark Moepeil Leanto and on
Crystal Mtn. campsite [[arrow pointing from this line to in between lines Arrived and Long]]