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A beautiful day today after fog and rain 
I'ts unfortunate that I wasted the morning
over fairly level trail reached Zeahand Falls Hut 
Stopped to rest and talk then on to Ethan Shelter 
Through Crawford Notch - side trip to store 
Up long climb to Webster Cliffs and peak 
Slept near the top of the peak. 
On to Mizpah Hut through light rain 
Arrived early and decided to stay
Croo member had guitar - we played and sang
Storm blew-off during the night
Cloud fog in the morning - cleared as we left
Winds up to 90 per along ridge to Lakes of Clouds [[?]]
Saw and heard raven on the way
Huts closed on Presidentials
Decided to take Tuckeram [[?]] ravine
Becaus of high winds - tough descent.