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Firye Brook Leanto an old log one
Real nice then on to Dunn Notch
Beautiful lower falls - drops sheer
Into a rock grotto - Then escarpent
Trail to East Hill Rd and Andover
Shuttle man [[long empty space]] took me to town
Phoned John from the hostel then back to trail
Stopped and slept at sundown on Wyman Mtn.
Good sleep under tall fir trees
Reached and passed Hall Mtn. Leanto
At Sawyer Mtn. met and shuttled
To the cabin and stayed overnight
Steep hard climb up Moody Mtn. and down
to South Arm [[?]] Rd. and shuttle to cabin
Forded Black Brook and over Old Blue Mtn. 
Stopped in rain on Bemis Mtn.
Over Bemis Mtn. with everything wet