Viewing page 19 of 30

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Passed Maine 27 on to tent site 
Slept in woods cold but no wind.
Long gradual upslope to Horns Pond
Area is greatly changed two new leantos
Must be a favorite spot - Bigelow ahead
Over Bigelow - weather slightly hazy
But could see Katahdian dimly.
Windy above timberland Down to Col
Shelter removed but campsite there
Late afternoon so we decided to stay 
wind rose and temperature to 25
Large dove like bird appeared
Heard geese overhead several times
very windy decided to avoid Avery Peak
Descended Firevardino Trail instead
Shuttled around to [[empty space]]
Met John and TV crew then 10 [[?]] motel [[?]]

Transcription Notes:
Exact same content/page as the previous scan.