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Next day went astray at [[Shimate bridge?]] 
Amd finally found my way back to liosle 
New start. lowd trail to Rice Field shelter 
sorable at first then top of ridge a doe and her fawn crossed ahead
Spotted another rattlesnake a small one
It slithered into the undergrowth ahead
An eagle wend by riding the wind.
Many flat switchbacks + Pin Swamp shelter
scramble trail to Baibey Cap shelter
Mostly ridge top to War Spur shelter
Midmorning thunderstorm wet brushy trail.
Breezy part cloudy in afternon
Through grasslands pa 5ft. thick kefferoak
said to [[small hole in page]] the "fattest tree along the [[arrow pointing up]]
stopped to sleep on ridge top
[[ end page]] 
[[begin page]]
Mostly ridge top and rimrock to Niday shelter
Definitely a dangerous stretch of trail
From Niday a long long graded climb 
To high ridge top and memorial
To Audie Murphy most decorated veteran
of World Wa II. He died in plane crash here
Saw black snak along the way
white tail doe stood and watched me pass
Crossed road into burned over area
Stopped and slept on the trail.
Sometimes the AT could be called a drapery trail
Where it is worn down by burdened feet
Why does anyone thru hike the trail
Or even try. With me it was to be first
And now to celebrate the golden anniversary
Which probably will never be done again.