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[[start page]] Tinker Cliffs, viewpoints to rival MoREE Knob
Right now I'd trad them all for a good spring
I climbed a rock [[arrow pointing up]]face[[/arrow pointing up]] once and only once
Fifty five years ago, my life weighed [[above weighed]]hung[[/above weighed]] in the balance
Ever since I believe I have a guardian angel
Long long stretch of ridge top no water
Nephew met me, came in from highway
Brought water I drank two quarts
Those long ridge top trails are foolish
No wildlife They need water too
At highway got groceries and went on
to Fulhardt Knob shelter, ridge top with cistern water
Type of trail changing lower lelels streams
Less strenuous trail to Wilson creek shelter
Intercepted parkway - on to Bobbetts Gap shelter
Slept on high point above shelter.
Saw a large deer on way down [[end page]]