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B2 stratum of soft sandrock - B3 " " [[ditto for: stratum of]] coarse pebbles - B4 " " [[ditto for: stratum of]] marine shells - B5 " " [[ditto for: stratum of]] soft sandrock - B6 " [[ditto for: stratum]] rounded pebble conglom - B7 stratum sandy soft rock B8 Coal, the thick layers [[end page]] [[start page]] Coal Harbor Unga Island - April 2, 1872 - Examine the formations on the west side of the Bay which contain lignite beds. Find the cliff which is between five and six hundred feet high. Composed as follows. From top down A. Conglomerate of fine pebbles B. do [[ditto for: Conglomerate]] of larger boulders > C. 6 in Thin friable sandy shales D More like A E Two feet very coarse do [[ditto for: shales]] (The above take 200 ft) F. 4 in sandy shale vegetable remains very indistinct G 40 ft of thin leaves of lignite aggregated into three series of 3 ft each & interleaved with clay
Transcription Notes:
Unga Island is correct