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[[Text is written across two pages]]
[First number is vertical column A, second is B]

Pinnacle   55..56.20  235..56.20  Cor. 20" [[strikethrough]] Pinnacle   55..56..20    235..56..20 [[/strikethrough]]
Bailey's Δ  99..45     279..45..20     Cor. = +1'..20"
S √ 77E     99..45..00 279..45..00      " =  20"
            99..44..20 279..44'         " =  40"
Bailey's    0            180
S 77 E

Church    86..59       266..58..40       Cor = 00
S 10 1/4 W √

Rocky Pt.  97..04      277..04..20       Cor = 0.
S 20 W     97..04..40  277..04..20        "  = -10"
           97..04      277..04            "  = -40"
Rocky Pt.   0           180
S 20 W
Round Top  32..24       212..24         Cor    +20"
S 52 3/4 W 32..24       212..23..40      "      0
           32..23..40   212..23..40      "      0
Round Top     0         180
S 52 1/2 W
Pulpit Rock  102..44   282.44              Cor  +20"
N 25 W       102..43   282..43..20          "   +20"
             102..43   282..43..20          "   +20"
             102..43   282..43..20          "   +20"

Transcription Notes:
all location names checked/verified