Viewing page 13 of 97

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[[image - pencil sketch of cuttle fish drawn across both pages and into the text on the first page]]
                   A            B
Δ K                67..15..20   247..15..40  N 17 1/2 E

Edge of bank at XXX 184 between lower wires.
S 77 1/2 E       corr. -20"
[[strikethrough]] 29..17 [[/strikethrough]] 
ΔD                               204..17..20  N 25 1/2 W

Edge of bank at XXXX.  297 between lower wires.
S 60 E.    Correction 0

Δ East             21..43..40    201..44  
N 28 W             21..44..40    201..44..20
                     Correction +20" ?
[[strikethrough]] W [[/strikethrough]]
W Bluff Amaknak N  N 22 1/2 W

N 10 W             39..51..20    219..51..20

Δ B                47..45..40    227..46
N 2 W

Δ C                39..51..40    219..51..20
                  Corr. + 40 "

Eastern Rock at S. Pt Amaknak
S 5 W              234..32       54..32
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
[[calculations written over drawing on page]]

Transcription Notes:
Amaknak is correct