Viewing page 14 of 97

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                   A            B
Δ East             21..43..20   201..43..40
N 28 W  150 between lower wires

Observations from Eastern-most Rock off S. End Amaknak

[[strikethrough]] Western Rock do. [[/strikethrough]]   
Δ L                0             180  
N 4 1/2 E
N 4 1/4 E
Middle of West Rock off S. End Amaknak I.
By telemeter 212 between both wires.
N 74 W            282..38        102..37..40
                  correction +20"

N End Bluff opposite Amaknak 
West. N 65 W

S End Amaknak I (Bluff) 155 between the lower wires N 36 3/4 W

Δ K                3..26..20     183..26..20
N [[strikethrough]] 9 3/4 [[/strike through]] 7 3/4 E

Δ I                5..46..40     185..46..40
[[strikethrough]] N 2 3/4 E [[/strikethrough]]
N 10 E
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
179 59 60

[[Image - small landscape drawing with Δ marked on feature]]
[[image caption:]] Amaknak S.

Transcription Notes:
Amaknak/Amaknak I. is correct