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Highest Pt. Amaknak S N 21 W

Crest of Split top N 27 1/2 E

Day fair but high wind in latter part of AM. & rain late in P.M. Ther. 47. Bar. 29.850. Wind S.

[[horizontal line]]
October 31st. Tuesday. 
Heavy snow storm with squalls from the S. Ther. 45 Bar. 29.300

[[line]] November 1. 1871 [[line]]
Ther. 34. Bar. 29.580. Wind S W Heavy snow fall

[[line]] November 2. Thursday
Ther. 32 Bar. 29.844 Wind 0. Snow falling at intervals all day, very heavily in P.M.

[[line]] Nov. 3rd Friday [[line]]
Heavy snowstorm Bar. 28.762 Ther. 35. min 31. Wind squally fm NE. 
Test Thermometers 
From 32 to 48 in the water they appeared to agree above that
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
Parallel readings. Fahr.
In water
[[two columns:]]
Ship Ther                Standard
✓ 32º.                    32º.
✓ 32º. 1/2                32. 1/2
✓ 45º.                    45.º
✓ 45.1/2                  45.1/2
✓ 44.1/2                  44.1/2    
✓ 38.º                    38.º
✓ 37.1/2                  37.1/2
✓ 37.º                    37.º
✓ 41.º                    41.º 
✓ 41.1/2                  41.1/2.
✓ 47.1/2                  47.1/2   
✓ 48º                     48º
✓ 49. 1/4                 49.
✓ 59. 1/4                 59.
  59. 3/4                  59.1/2
  60                       59. 1/2  

Transcription Notes:
Amaknak and Split top are correct, have been checked with geographical dictionaries for Alaska