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the ships therm. read from 1/4 to 1/2 a degree too high.  In the air the difference appeared greater.  The ships therm read half a degree higher between 32 & 60 but the difficulty of placing two thermometers one with a metallic case & one without, under the same conditions in the draughts & currents of air on board ship lead me to place more reliance on the test by water.
Clean instruments.
[[line]] Nov. 4 Saturday [[line]]
Gale from SW & snowstorm Bar. 29.170. Ther. 30. 28 min
[[line]] Sunday Nov. 5 [[line]]
Day cloudy squally & snowy. Bar. 29.986 Ther. 32 min 28, SW
[[line]] Monday Nov. 6 [[line]]
Day squally with rain. Bar. 30.076 Ther. 34. min 28. SE.
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Parallel readings of thermometers  
Ships                      Standard
 57° 1/4                      57  
 57 1/4                      57 
 57                          56 3/4

 In air.  
 58 1/2                      58 1/4  
 57                          56 1/2
 59                          58 1/2
 34 1/2                      34
 32 1/2                      32
Note { In air outdoors reads even with the standard nearly