Viewing page 17 of 97

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[[text written across both pages, including across drawing on right hand page]]
Tuesday Nov. 7. 1871
Obs. from Δ West. Theod. directly over signal
                    Vern A.     Vern B
A.                    0           180
   √ N. 52. 3/4 East  0           180
 √ √ N. 52. 5/8  "    0           180
   √ N. 52. 5/8  "    0           180
Gable                 8.04.40     188.05.0  Corr. -40"
     N. 60 3/4 E      8.05        188.05.0
  √ √N. 60 5/8 E      8.05        188.05.0  Corr. 0
N. Head               1.44.       181.44.   Cor. 0.
  √     54 1/4 E      1.44.20     181.44.20  "  +20"

W. End spit           6.0.40    1 86.0.40   corr. 0
  √  N. 58 3/4 E  √   6.1.1     1 86.1.0      "   0

W. Rock of reef.      9.38.20     189.38.20  [[strikthrough]]corr +2'[[/strikethrough]
√  Middle 62 1/2 E    9.40.40     189.40.40 Both correct no point to right on
√ N 62 3/8 E

X √ N Bluff S of creek in same line or small [[rks?]]
      off fort 10 ft. of bluff
   K                  18.11.40    198.12.0
√ N. 70 3/4 E √       18.13.0     198.13.0  corr +1'
√ N  70 1/2 E         18.12.40    198.12.40 corr. +40"

√ 1.5.82E.            45.26.20    225.26.40 Corr. 0.
                    √ 45.26.40    225.27.   Corr. 0
                      45.26.40    225.26.20
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
[[image - drawing of landscape, no caption. Features of image are marked with small squares and Δ]]

Transcription Notes:
Some data (corrections) from page 2 are included on page 1.