Viewing page 18 of 97

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

                          A           B
[[a curved line in the left margin over the following four lines]]
Δ A                       0           180

HΔ S 48 1/2 E√ Corr. 0    79..11..20  259..11..20
             √   "   +10  79..11..20  259..11..40
                 "   0    79..11..20  259..11..20

[[a curved line in the left margin over the following four lines]]
I Δ S 81 3/4 E√           0           180
G. √S 14 1/2 E Corr. -20  67..17..20  247..17..40
√ √  S 14 1/2 E   "   -10  67..17..20  247..17..40
                 "   -10  67..17..20  247..17..40
[[a curved line in the left margin over the following ten lines]]
T.                        0           180
F. √ S.47 1/4 W.           61.52.40    241.53.0  Corr. 0
       √                  61.52.40    241.53.0    "   0
                          61.53.0     241.53.20   "  +20
E √ N. 51 1/8 W          143.24.0    323.24.0    "  +20
                          143.24.0    323.24.0    "   0
       √                  143.24.20   323.24.20      +20
D.  N 1/2 E √             194.59.20   14.59.0         "   0
                          194.59.20   14.59.0         0
       √                  194.59.20   14.59.0         0

[[a curved line in the left margin over the following seven lines]]
D.                        0            180.
N. 3/4 E √
A.                        52.14.20     232.14.20     0
                          52.14.0      232.14.20    -10
         √                52.13.20     232.13.40    -40
Trees  N 1 3/4 E √        2.13.0       182.13.0
Round Top. N. 5 √1/2 E.    4.40.40      184.40.40
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
Δ East S. 83 1/2 E √

[[a left brace encloses the following five lines and points at line three of the first page section beginning I Δ]]
From Δ A to               A            B
Δ L   [[strikethrough]] 76[[/strikethrough]] 76,,54,,40  256..55..00
√  √  S. 50 3/8 E     corr. 0
                         76..55..20   256..55..40
  Corr  +20"             76..55..20   256..55..40

[[a left brace encloses encloses the following eight lines and points at line seven of the first page section beginning with T]]
Round Top                 0               180
  Δ A                       47..23..20     227..23..40
√ N 52 5/8 E √    Corr  +10"
 Corr 0  √                  47..23..20     227..23..20
 N 52 3/4 E √               47..23..20     227..23..40
                            Corr. 0
          Corr 0            47..23..20     227..23..20

Δ A                   0                  180
Δ G   Cor. 30"     112..47               292..47
  √        40"     112..47..40           292..48

S. crest Amaknak N. (N.5 1/4 W)  X √

Transcription Notes:
Amaknak is correct