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This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

                           A    Verniers    B
ΔE Cont.  Corr. 0 √  17..02..40   197..22..40

Δ D  N24 3/8 W Corr. -1'..20".?59..49..20  239..49..40
          √     "     0        59..19..40  239..19..40
√               "     0        59..19..20  239..19..20
                "    -40"      59..19      239..19

[[left margin includes a brace for the following five lines]]
Δ E                             0          180
Δ D            corr 0           42..17     222..17
ΔC N 2 1/8 W     "  -1"..20"    64..26..40 244..27
√                "  +40"        64..28     244..28..20
                 "  +0          64..27..40 244..28
[[Left margin includes a brace for the following nine lines]]
Δ D N24 1/4 W                   0          180
Δ C   √        corr. 0          22..11     202..11
Δ B N08 E √      "   -20        32..22     212..22
                 "   -1'        32..21..40 212..21..40
                 "   0          32..23     212..23
Δ A N 44 E√      "   0          68..23     248..23
                 "   -10        68..22..40 248..23
                 "   0          68..23     248..23

Δ C                             0          180
Δ B            corr. 0          10..11     190..11

Δ B                             0          180
Δ A     √        "   +0?"       36..00..00 216..00..20"
                 "   +20"       36..01     216..00..40"
                 "    0         36..00..40 216..00..20
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